Job Title: Founder & Big Picture Artist
Team Member Since:1993
Favorite Movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Favorite Book: Wild
Favorite Musician: Gregory Alan Isakov
Hobbies: Hanging with my kids, YOGA, gardening
Favorite Wedding Moment as an attendee Participated in an Indian Wedding... IN INDIA!
Personal Favorite Wedding Moment: When my husband surprised me with a diamond wedding band during our first dance
Favorite Destination: Red River Gorge, Kentucky
Favorite wedding advice Don't sweat the small stuff…and it's all small stuff
Pets Max - our dog; Hairdo - our chicken
Role Model: My Mom, my husband Hamilton Dixon

Job Title: Jewelry Team Leader & Co-Founder
Team Member Since: 1993
Hobbies: Gardening, making Halloween costumes for grandkids
Best Personal Wedding Moment: When my brother threw me in the pool in my wedding dress
Where I met my spouse: On a Dayton Ski Club bus coming back from Michigan
Favorite Destination: South of France
Favorite encounter with a famous person: Rod Stewart helped me pick out a shirt for my husband.
Favorite wedding advice: Worry only about whether he shows up, you show up and the minister shows up
Pets: Brix - our dog, Lilly & Chitter - adopted racoons
Role Model: My daughter
Favorite Team: Any of my grandkids' teams

Job Title: Quality Controller & Photographer
Team Member Since: 2014
Favorite Movie: Only Lovers Left Alive
Favorite Book: Beyond The Wall - Edward Abbey, A Few Figs From Thistles - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Favorite Band: John Coltrane, Art Blakey, Charles Mingus…Jazz!!
Transportation: My Feet
Hobbies: Hand Sewing, Cooking, Reading
Best Personal Wedding Moment: Where I Met My Spouse
Favorite Wedding Moment: Attending The Wedding Of Two Of My Best Friends, Very Happy Occasion!
Next Destination: Chiapas Region Of Mexico
Favorite Destination :Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina, Tucson, Arizona
Pets: A Cat Named Monkee

Job Title: Showroom Specialist
Team Member Since: 2008
Favorite Book: Any cookbook
Hobbies: Gardening and needlework
Where I met my spouse: Set up on a blind date
Favorite Destination: Mountains of North Carolina
Best Wedding Advice: Enjoy every moment of your day, it goes so quickly
Pets: Boston Terrier named Eleanor
Role Model: My parents
Favorite Team: Kentucky Wildcats

Job Title: Fresh Flower Artists & Jane of all Trades
Team Member Since: 2011
Favorite Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
Hobbies: Boating, Drag racing, Tinkering on cars with my Daddy
Favorite Wedding Moment: Being able to be in my older sisters wedding!
Favorite Destination: San Jaun, Puerto Rico
Pets: My rescue pup, Chloe :)

Job Title: Designer
Team Member Since: 2015
Yes, Please: Rainy days, covered porches
No, Thanks: Sauerkraut
Always: Sunglasses
Role Model: Grannie Mac AKA Grannie McGyver
Loves: My husband and Kiddos
Pets: Rowdy Rayna (Australian Shepherd), Bossy Bailey (Kitty) and Steve the Goldfish